James W. Graham, P.Eng.
Principal Engineer
After completing his Mechanical Engineering degree at Carleton University in 1984, Jim worked for an engineering design / manufacturing / consulting company in Ottawa, Ontario before moving west where he formed Graham Consulting Services in 1995. Jim has conducted over 4500 investigations since 1984 involving motor vehicle accidents. As vice president of C.A.T.A.I.R. 1993 to 1995, Jim designed and test drove in several high-speed crash demonstrations. Jim is also a racing car enthusiast and has competed in slalom, dry track racing, and ice-racing. Jim is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and the Canadian Association of Technical Accident Investigators and Reconstructionists (CATAIR). Jim has also obtained certification in the operation of the Bosch CDR (Crash Data Retrieval) system.
Jim Graham office: (780) 425-1150 ext 229
 Jim Graham e-mail:
D. Patrick Ryan, P.Eng.
Principal Engineer
While completing his Mechanical Engineering degree at Memorial University in 1994, Patrick worked for the Road Safety Directorate of Transport Canada in Ottawa. During his time at Transport Canada, Patrick co-authored a paper on air bag deployment for presentation at the 1993 annual CATAIR seminar. Following graduation, he worked briefly for an accident reconstruction firm in Ontario, before moving west to continue working in the field. Patrick has been involved with over 3000 motor vehicle accident investigations since 1994, and he has also staged many crash tests. Patrick has been accepted as an expert witness at both the Queen’s Bench and Provincial court levels in Alberta. Patrick specializes in large losses, with particular interest in occupant restraints (including air bags) and collision simulation. Patrick is a member of the Canadian Association of Technical Accident Investigators and Reconstructionists (CATAIR), the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP), the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the Accident Reconstruction Network (ARC), and the National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists (NAPARS). In addition to obtaining certification in the operation of the Bosch CDR (Crash Data Retrieval) system, Patrick was also the first engineer in Canada certified as an instructor for the one-day CDR Download Technician course. (This is the same course offered by the Collision Safety Institute and is a prerequisite for the more detailed three-day analyst level course offered by CSI.)
Patrick Ryan office: (403) 290-1150 ext 227
 Patrick Ryan e-mail:
Donald K. Pohl, P.Eng.
Senior Engineer
Don earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta in 1995. After his graduation, Don worked as a design engineer for an oilfield equipment manufacturer. In addition to design engineering, he also analyzed drilling tool failures. Don joined GRC in 1999 and became a partner in GRC in 2007. He has since worked on virtually every type of motor vehicle collision and has organized and conducted crash testing at GRC. He is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and the National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists, Inc.(NAPARS). He is the past president of the Prairie Region of the Canadian Association of Technical Accident Investigators and Reconstructionists (CATAIR). Don has also obtained certification in the operation of the Bosch CDR (Crash Data Retrieval) system.
Don Pohl office: (780) 425-1150 ext 222
 Don Pohl e-mail:
Craig D. Assenheimer, P.Eng.
Reconstruction Engineer
Craig graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering through the Co-operative program at the University of Alberta in 2002. He first joined GRC in 2001 as a co-op student, and returned after graduation. Previous experience includes work in the GM of Canada Oshawa manufacturing facility. He has worked on many types of accidents, specializing in low speed automotive collsions. Craig has performed numerous low speed crash tests at the GRC test facility, and is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). Craig has also obtained certification in the operation of the Bosch CDR (Crash Data Retrieval) system.
Craig Assenheimer office: (780) 425-1150 ext 225
 Craig Assenheimer e-mail: